Alright, here we go. Songs : This month we are working on 2 songs. In your own Sweet way , and My Shining Hour . These are to be memorized and played in no less than 3 keys. Do what you have to do. For me, that means learning the melody in a couple of areas on the neck, comping/memorizing the chords, also devising some sort of chord melody arrangement. Video evidence is not needed for this bit. Arpeggios : Using the 2 songs above, you should be able to outline the harmony using 3-5-7-9 arpeggios. These can be played in any order you wish and you can alter the 9 when you want. Cycles : Going back over your transcriptions (or mine). Choose 3 licks, phrases, comps, rhythms, etc. Lick #1: played through a cycle of 5ths. C-F-Bb-Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-B-E-A-D-G Lick #2: played through a cycle of minor 3rds. C-Eb-Gb-A-Db-E-G-Bb-D-F-Ab-B Lick #3:played through a cycle of half st...